Things I miss about America

These are in no particular order. So don't be offended family, you would be at the top of the list.

1. People who come to my door and knock less than thirty times
2. Eating Raw Vegetables
3. Eating Raw Fruit
4. Being able to see the sun more than once every 2-3 weeks due to pollution or rain
5. People who don't stare at me
6. Being able to walk up to someone and know they'll understand me (English)
7. My family
8. Girls I'm attracted to that speak English
9. Driving
10. Having a dog that I know no one will eat
11. Food products that are filled with things that match the description on the container
12. Peanut Butter
13. Steak
14. Food in the grocery store that expired less then 3-6 months ago
15. My sister's wedding (I'm still really sorry about that Ami...)
16. Smash Brothers
17. Going to church in a Church Building
18. Having a priesthood leader that lived less than 1500 miles away
19. Signs on the street that I can read
20. Public trash cans people actually use
21. Bath tubs (oh how I miss a good bath)
22. De-oderant
23. Guaranteed seats when I travel (although 2-12 hour standing tickets are an adventure...)
24. Set Prices
25. Living in or next to the same time zone as most of my friends and family
26. Juice that's actually 100%
27. Meeting someone and not having every person ask me
  A. What country am I from?
  B. How much do I make?
  C. Do I have a Chinese girl friend?
  D. Why not?
28. Kitchens that work (China has kitchens that work, mine just doesn't happen to be one of them)
29. Toilets outside of my house
30. Toilets that I can put the toilet paper in (disgusting I know, but Chinese toilets clog if you put the toilet paper inside)
31. Hospitals that don't scare me (I'm sure there are some of these out of Hunan, but I picked a poorer province to live in)
32. Swimming
33. Home teachers that live less than 2 hours away
34. Knowing I won't get in trouble with the government if I talk about the gospel
35. Watching movies without Chinese subtitles
36. Not having to say Ting Bu Dong every 5 minutes (Chinese for "I don't understand," my chinese is way better and this is still one of my most common phrases)
37. Not sounding like an idiot to native English speakers due to speaking at half or a quarter speed too often and not being able to switch out
38. People who don't try to take my picture while I'm not looking
39. My old room mates
40. Watching General Conference live
41. Cities where people don't burn their trash every day
42. Not being expected to always have my own toilet paper when I use the bathroom any where other then my house
43. People who don't talk about me less than 4 feet away under the assumption i don't know what they're saying
44. People who don't talk about me less than 4 feet away
45. People who don't say I'm fat
46. Dryers
47. English I can understand (on T-shirts, notebooks, etc)
48. Waffles and Chocolate pancakes
49. Group video games
50. Ferris Wheels that let you go more than one time before they charge you again

Now, I want you to know a list of things I'll miss in China is coming out soon. Just cause I miss a lot of things about America doesn't mean I haven't been extremely happy here. More to come!!!!

(If you vote on your favorite ones I'll try to do a blog post on it, it may not be long, but it'll come)


Colin said...

i'm excited for you to come back so we can swap china stories, though you'll obviously have a lot more.

Brad said...

I'm surprised milk didn't make the list. Do they have good milk over there?

Anonymous said...

Haha I am reading this at work (while stuffing 200 gallery invites) with Hannah Dimond (Sheperd) and we laughed at the dog one. That is quite silly

woodshel said...

37 made me laugh so hard. it was easier than I expected for me to switch back when I came home though.